An explanation of Hydrocoele Repair and treatment options.

Hydrocoele Repair

The operation for repair of hydrocoele is required if an hydrocoele in a baby does not resolve of its own accord. If an hydrocoele has not resolved by 18 months of age, it is highly unlikely that it will continue to do so. The operation may be performed at any age after this.
How is the operation performed?

Under a general anaesthetic, a cut is made in the child's inguinal region of his groin. The Paediatric Surgeon locates the persistent communication between the abdominal cavity and the area around the testicle. This is carefully separated from the vas and the blood vessels that supply the testicle. The communication is then divided and tied flush with the internal lining of the internal abdominal cavity. Any fluid that has remained within the hydrocoele is then drained. Multiple stitches are used, however they are not visible, and dissolve of their own accord over the subsequent 1-2 months. Whilst the child is asleep, the nerves to the area are blocked using a local anaesthetic. The operation takes up to 45 minutes including anaesthetic time, and is a day case procedure.

What happens after the operation?

After the operation, the child should be comfortable and over the subsequent day should only require a few more doses of analgesia by mouth. The child may bath or shower if it is comfortable to do so.

Are there any complications?

The complications following this operation are uncommon and include bleeding or bruising, and infection. The bleeding or bruising usually stops of its own accord and rarely requires any further attention. If infection occurs, it is usually 2-3 days later and may require a course of antibiotics.

Following the operation, recurrence of the hydrocoele is extremely uncommon and occurs in less than 1% of cases. The scar will become barely visible as a fine white line if it is located within a skin crease.